The Company
Incorporated in 1978 and proudly counting over 40 years’ experience providing Company Secretarial, Registrar and Trustee services, Corporate Services (Private) Limited is one of the leading company secretarial service providers in Sri Lanka.
Today, our enthusiastic team of lawyers and chartered secretaries provide services to approximately 400 corporate clients in a broad spectrum of industries, ranging from listed companies, public companies and guarantee companies, to private companies, branches and liaison offices of overseas companies and trusts.
We assist our clients in their dealings with the Department of the Registrar General of Companies, the Securities and Exchange Commission and the Colombo Stock Exchange.
Corporate Services (Private) Limited is an affiliate of M/s FJ&G de Saram, Attorneys at Law, the oldest law firm in the country, having over 175 years’ experience in legal practice.
The inception of Corporate Services (Private) Limited was very much an organic process – as the Firm started providing Company Secretarial, Registrar and Trustee services to an increasing number of its clients, the incorporation of a dedicated organisation to do this specialised work was, naturally, the next step.
Secretarial alliance
Corporate Services (Private) Limited formed an alliance with other firms and companies providing Secretarial and Registrar services.
The purpose of this body is to share knowledge, experiences and discuss solutions to matters affecting the industry as a whole.
Business Partnership
Corporate Services (Private) Limited formed a business partnership with BoardPAC Sri Lanka, to enable our clients to have access to modern technology in conducting board meetings in an expedient and paperless manner.
BoardPAC is a solution developed 100% in Sri Lanka, which has gained strong global brand presence and recognition.
Technical Expertise
Corporate Services (Private) Limited follows a ‘paper light’ culture within the organisation. We use a state of the art document management system to maintain our repository of information and further render IT-enabled services (with appropriate security protocols) to clients.
Innovation, Agility and Looking to the Future
We continuously explore ways to innovate and to ensure our clients experience and receive the very best service. In this regard, some of our recent initiatives include:
- forging an alliance with other firms and companies providing secretarial and registrar services to share
knowledge, experiences and brainstorm solutions to matters affecting the industry as a whole. - forming a business partnership with BoardPAC Sri Lanka, to provide our clients with access to cutting-edge technology,
enabling the conduct of expedient and paperless board meetings.
BoardPAC is a solution developed entirely in Sri Lanka, which has gained strong global recognition - Corporate Services (Private) Limited also uses state of the art document management systems to maintain its repository of client information.